Our texts are aimed at the knowledge and dissemination of a naturalistic, faunistic and ecological culture in general, with particular reference to our lands.
It is no coincidence that our region, Friuli Venezia Giulia, but with a greater spectrum the macro-region called Alpe-Adria, represents one of the richest areas of biodiversity in all of Europe, thanks also to the proximity of Slovenia, but above all because it is a crossroads of climates. and different biogeographical areas (Mediterranean, Alpine, Illyrian-Balkan). Furthermore, the majority of migratory birds that every year make their journeys from nesting places to wintering ones find refreshment and shelter here.
Finally, in moments like these of not only climatic change, but which appear more and more of an economic and social nature, it is essential to give indications on the possibility of finding an alternative way to this type of economic-social system. So here are texts that direct you to better manage your daily life, which can be increasingly environmentally friendly and at the same time perhaps you can also find new forms of employment.

In this section you will find texts concerning the study and knowledge of the world of birds (Aves).
For example, you can find well-known, practical and pocket-sized birdwatching guides, useful for a quick and accurate identification of the subject. Others more in-depth for an in-depth knowledge of all living species in our hemisphere.
Other more specific texts will introduce you to the study and knowledge of this passionate world to be discovered.
In this section you will find texts concerning the study and knowledge of the world of Mammals (Mammalia).
Known guides can be found both in Italian and in English for a summary knowledge of the species present above all in our continent, but not only. Even more specific and in-depth texts have been inserted, even at university level, in order to be able to deepen some topics on the biology and life of these stupendous animals. And more, just browse.